Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Morning - The majesty of a Morning

Monday Morning
Originally uploaded by BrighterPhotos

So, mondays are hard for me. However, this morning, as I was feeling bad, I saw this. This made all the difference in the world. This is truly a majestic scene.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Candle - A failed lighting Experiment...kinda

Candle - A failed lighting Experiment...kinda
Originally uploaded by BrighterPhotos might say....ew! Yeah...that's what I thought. When I was taking the pictures, I was loving what I was seeing, however, I had a hard time getting what I was seeing. and learn. I learned quite a bit about how to accent the light. I loved the ornate nature of this lamp, and hopefully, I can get a little bit different look. Hope to improve on this one.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Morning at Work

A Morning at Work
Originally uploaded by BrighterPhotos

As I was leaving for work this morning, I looked out my garage and there was some cool lighting. Those pictures didn't work out, however, it encouraged me to take my camera to work. And this was the shot from my window at work. I LOVE the soft lighting on these hills and Mount Timpanogos in the fall. It makes me feel calm and reflective. It's a WONDERFUL day.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by BrighterPhotos

I haven't posted in a while, got hit up by the H1N1 flu. I came into work this morning, and saw this AWESOME cloud. I had to take a picture. It made me excited to be out and about again.